Friday, November 28, 2008

Reality vs. Idealism: Obama's tilt to the right

What happens to the political tilt of a person when they are suddenly faced with the challenge of being personally responsible for overwhelming national and global problems? Its extremely easy, while standing on the side lines, to espouse liberal and pacifistic ideas. The "let's take care of the masses" mantra, and the "let's sit down and talk to our enemies without conditions" philosophy are exposed for what they are, naive and idealistic solutions to complex issues.

One suspects that as President-Elect Obama has received intelligence briefings of security threats facing America at home and around the world and an economy on the brink of collapse, he has had to re-evaluate his positions and adjust his beliefs to conform to the harsh realities of the real world. The masses can't be helped and the economy can't recover, if the government penalizes the producers with tax increases, and the producers stop producing. Our enemies don't really want to talk to us, they want to destroy us, and they don't care what we have to say to them.

Necessity is the mother of invention and reality is the mother of conservatism. Welcome to the right, Mr. Obama.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


If anyone questions the viability of a Washington bailout of Detroit, yesterday all doubts were removed! What America saw yesterday in hearings before Congress, was absolute proof that nothing Washington does at the expense of the American taxpayers will solve their problems. If the auto executives are too stupid to figure out that you don't ask for taxpayer help when you put on a public display of wastefulness and gluttony, they don't deserve to be where they are. It is clear that the mind set of the Auto industry executives is so polluted by their blind eye towards wastefulness, they are completely incapable of running any business at a profit, much less an industry that is on the brink of bankruptcy! Mitt Romney is exactly right, the only thing that will fix this problem is a complete overhaul of the industry in a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, including the dumping of existing management along with stifling labor contracts.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Carl Rove has a great article on the future of the GOP and a road map on how to regain the political upper hand in an Obama administration. Great reading and one to save and follow!


It now appears that the war in the Congo is escalating again and the conflict will involve numerous African nations. Will an Obama Administration mean more American involvement in the African Congo War? At a time when America is struggling to dig out of a major economic crisis, can we afford to intervene in a war that is bound to put an enormous strain on our military resources that are already stretched too thin? Although Kenya is not directly involved in the conflict, Obama's ties to that region, mean that we will, in all likelihood, be drawn in to the on-going malaise.

The real question will be, why? What is America's national interest in the conflict, other than humanitarian? While the human suffering in that conflict is enormous, and it would be extremely noble for us to be able to end the crisis, America can't be the savior for all of the world. We simply don't have the wherewithal to manage it, especially at a time when we are already in a world-wide war against terrorist.

A better option for America would be for the Obama administration to assist in mobilizing the American humanitarian relief operation through the plethora of non-governmental charitable organizations. Americans have proven over and over again that when they are made aware of the sufferings of other people in the world, they respond with their pocketbooks and their time like no other nation on earth! A far better solution than the spending of our most precious commodity, the blood of our people.

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Out With The Old... In With The Old!"

Rahm Emanuel, John Podesta, Jamie Gerlick ... Did we just re-elect Bill Clinton? Where's the "Change We Need"? Sounds like the same old song, just a different verse! Really glad Obama is going for Washington "outsiders" to effect his "Change".

UPDATE: Just adding to the list: Frederico Pena - two time Clinton Cabinet member on the Obama "Transition Team"; Lawrence Summers - Tres. Sec. under Clinton, under consideration for Tres. Sec. for Obama; Susan Rice - State Dept. official under Clinton, top foreign policy adviser to Obama; Mike Lux - Clinton Administration transition team, health care reform hired by Obama transition team; Carol Browner - Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under Clinton, on transition team for Obama; William Daley - Sec. of Commerce under Clinton, on transition team for Obama; Christopher Edley - Chaired Clinton's 1998 Afirmative Action Review, on Obama transition team; Stephanie Cutter - Deputy White House Communications Director for Clinton, on Obama transition team; Christine Varney - Assistant and Secretary to the Clinton Administration Cabinet, on Obama transition team;


ANOTHER UPDATE: Christopher Warren, Secretary of State under Bill Clinton - Adviser on State Department transition for Obama;

The "ONE" A/K/A The "RULER"

Its clear the people surrounding The "One" believe HE is our new "Ruler":

Too bad we don't have a Constitution to help govern us! Oh wait, we did have one. Wonder what happened to it????

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Now that the Democrats have overwhelming control of Congress, it won't be long before we see an attempt to reinstate the so-called "Fairness Doctrine". One of the biggest obstacles to fighting its re- imposition, is the name itself. After all, how do you argue against being "fair"? By using a complete misnomer in discussing the issue, the debate has already been framed with a lie, and arguing against it becomes an uphill battle.

There needs to be a nation wide effort to re-frame the debate by calling the doctrine by a different name that describes what it actually is: the "SUPPRESSION DOCTRINE". It doesn't really matter on which side of an issue you may be, the net effect of the doctrine is the same, government suppression of ideas. Once the American public understands that it isn't about fairness, but rather the government's attempt to suppress public discourse of opinions, and an assault on the First Amendment, the tide will turn against any attempt to reinstate it. In the future, anytime anyone discusses the doctrine it should be called the "Suppression Doctrine"!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Early Election Call by the Media!

Watch for the main stream media to make an early call giving the election to Obama! I predict the first to make the call will be NBC and MSNBC, followed shortly thereafter by CNN, ABC and CBS. The idea will be to suppress Republican voting in the mid-west and west!! Even if they are wrong, they will blame it on erroneous exit polling. Hopefully, Fox (which is where most Republicans go to get their news) will not follow suit to keep up with the Joneses.


Here's a very long and detailed article on a comparison of the propaganda techniques used by Hitler's top propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, and Obama's campaign manager, David Axelrod. If this doesn't scare you to death, you aren't paying attention!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Why do you suppose the McCain internal polls differ so greatly from the public polls bought and paid for by the various news media outlets? Conspiracy theorist will probably say that the Pro-Obama media have intentionally skewed the results so as to suppress Republican voting, and, I have to admit, it sounds possible. The more likely scenario, however, is that most of the pollsters have bought into the media generated hype concerning the large number of black, latino, and youth voters that are going to vote for Obama.

Its very similar to the way an appraiser arrives at the value of a piece of property using the comparative method of appraising. The appraiser will find several similar properties in the area of the property being appraised that have sold in the recent past to arrive at a beginning value point. The appraiser will then add or subtract a percentage amount to the value of the property being appraised by looking at each comparable property to determine if it has better or worse factors than the subject property, and, thereby, arrive at a truer representation of the value of the property.

Pollsters do the same thing. They take their raw numbers from their calls and adjust those numbers depending upon various factors which they subjectively believe will give them a truer representation of the overall numbers projected across whatever electorate they are polling. In this case, they are adjusting their numbers based upon the above assumption, which may or may not be valid! The same adjustments were made for Al Gore in 2000, and John Kerry in 2004. In both cases, the numbers did not pan out.

This year it appears those assumptions may be invalid, as well. Guess we'll have to wait and see!