Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Media and Obama Democrats' Reaction to McCain-Palin Victory

Just wondering what the reaction of the MSMedia and Obama Democrats is going to be when McCain-Palin win. (Notice I said "when" and not if. I now beleive McCain-Palin are going to pull it out-the national polls notwithstanding!)

The first charge we're going to hear is that the election was racially driven; never mind the fact that 95% of all blacks that voted, voted for Obama (no racism there!). All of those Democrats and Indepedents that voted for McCain, did so, because they are racists! And they hid their real voting intentions from the pollsters because of that fact.

Then the demonizing of the McCain-Palin administration will begin in earnest! If you think its been bad up until now, you ain't seen nothin yet!! We're going to be amazed at how smart the media and Obama pundits are and how dumb, stupid, idiotic, etc., the new administration is. ANY attempt by McCain at bipartisanship is going to be met with the largest stone wall the Democrats have ever put up, unless, of course, he marches to their drum beat!

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