Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It now appears that the war in the Congo is escalating again and the conflict will involve numerous African nations. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601116&sid=aw4CSqIzMY8E&refer=africa. Will an Obama Administration mean more American involvement in the African Congo War? At a time when America is struggling to dig out of a major economic crisis, can we afford to intervene in a war that is bound to put an enormous strain on our military resources that are already stretched too thin? Although Kenya is not directly involved in the conflict, Obama's ties to that region, mean that we will, in all likelihood, be drawn in to the on-going malaise.

The real question will be, why? What is America's national interest in the conflict, other than humanitarian? While the human suffering in that conflict is enormous, and it would be extremely noble for us to be able to end the crisis, America can't be the savior for all of the world. We simply don't have the wherewithal to manage it, especially at a time when we are already in a world-wide war against terrorist.

A better option for America would be for the Obama administration to assist in mobilizing the American humanitarian relief operation through the plethora of non-governmental charitable organizations. Americans have proven over and over again that when they are made aware of the sufferings of other people in the world, they respond with their pocketbooks and their time like no other nation on earth! A far better solution than the spending of our most precious commodity, the blood of our people.

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